Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Malawi!

Here in Malawi most people are just starting to plant for the upcoming growing season but since it is the fourth Thursday in November it is a great chance to share some American Culture with some of our Malawian friends.
We made this for you!
Tara and I were joined by five other Peace Corps Volunteers for a few days of wonderful cooking and feasting. One activity of the day was to draw the male and female reproductive organs. Tara is teaching youth about 'Their Changing Bodies' this weekend at the Clinic's Youth Friendly Health Services. 

Genitalia are fun!
We also kept her family's tradition of drinking mimosas alive.

It wasn't enough.
Today we invited both of our counterparts along with our landlord and his family. We cooked some Thanksgiving staples like Green Bean Casserole, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, and Sweet Potato Pie but did not cook a Turkey. One, because half of us are vegetarian and two, no one wanted to slaughter and eviscerate a turkey.

What a sweet spread!
We shared with them that the purpose of Thanksgiving is to spend time with lots of family, be thankful for all that we have, and continue a tradition celebrating the end of the growing season and a bountiful harvest. Some of the things that people were thankful for were a chance to meet new friends, having so many friends to share the day with, and having great friends and great food.

Feast Time!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Success is SLOW

"What are you guys actually doing there?"
"What are you working on?" 
"Is the the work hard?" 

All of these are questions we get on a semi-regular bases from folks back home.  So I thought I would share with you a quick story from one of my projects.  At some point we will update all of our amazing admirers on all of our projects.  It's just that right now, we're not 100% sure what all of our projects are!!   
During my first four months at site I had numerous challenges and struggles. At times, it has felt like the challenges outweigh the successes. Some of the things that have been easier to adapt to than others are cooking on a fire, carrying water, not having electricity and bathing in a bucket. Some of the more difficult things are being isolated, walking an hour to find food/vegetables, only having access to food/vegetables once a week, feeling like the community does not want us, and not having neighbors. Through all this I feel like I have two major successes during my first four months at site:  being a counselor at Camp GLOW 2014 and co-facilitating my first child projection/child rights training. Since I have already shared with you about GLOW I thought I could fill you all in on something that is happening in our community.  My first training stands out in my mind as my personal best success. Though it was a difficult day, when it was over I felt like I was in Malawi for all the right reasons.
The training consisted of 19 teachers from three different schools and was mostly men. The topics covered ranged from basic human rights, to child abuse, to the role of a duty bearer in the case of child abuse. One of the topics found us discussing some of the situations that might put a child or a woman at risk of abuse. This brought up three disturbing myths:
1) Males cannot be raped.
2) Promoting condom usage leads to more sex, which leads to more STDs, pregnancy and HIV.
3) Children and women are abused for a reason; they would not be abused if they had not done something to solicit the attention.
All of these myths bothered me and set me on the defensive at first but it did not take long for me to feel thankful that I was there when they did come out. My colleagues leading the training with me, while not in agreement, did not contradict these opinions. As each topic arose I was able to have lengthy discussion as to why these were false and to have the teachers come up with realistic opportunities to discuss them with their learners.
The one that took the most amount of time in discussion was number three. Half of the participants, both male and female, felt that if a person was abused physically, emotionally, and especially sexually they must have done something to lead to that result. Whether it was doing a chore incorrectly that would demand physical punishment or wearing short skirts and flirting with a teacher there was always a scenario that would lead to it ultimately being the victim’s fault that abuse had taken place. At one point, to make sure I was understanding, I posed the question: “In the case of abuse who is at fault, the abused or the abuser?”. There was an overwhelming response that it was the abused fault “If she didn’t want to be raped, why would she wear short skirts?” is what one male teacher said to me.
Again, while this was disappointing to hear from a group of teachers I was so happy that it came out in a child protection setting. We were able to discuss the definition of “power”, “abuse”, “rape”, and “duty bearer” in a way that was culturally appropriate but also made sure that the essence of these words and definition, on a global scale, were not missed. Not every teacher left that training with a changed mind, but a few did. Later I posed the question: “Do you think anyone wakes up in the morning and says ‘I want to be abused today’?”. Some of the participants that had earlier stated that it was the abused fault changed their answers and said of course not.

It was hard and frustrating but so rewarding to be able to use my previous skills and passions and apply them to the work I am doing and will continue to do in Malawi. I not only broadened my knowledge and understanding of a topic I am familiar with but I was able to transfer some of my knowledge to others.   

Monday, November 10, 2014

Finally Doing African Things

We recently took a vacation to Kuti Community Wildlife Park in Salima, Malawi.  Instead of being a government owned national park or game reserve, Kuti is a nonprofit trust that is working with the surrounding communities to protect the reserve.  The reserve also hosts a Peace Corps Volunteer who is assisting with outreach and education for the communities.  The park is focusing on deforestation since Malawi has the world's 5th highest deforestation rate.  In addition to planting trees, the park is teaching the community how to make fuel briquettes out of waste materials and how to make mbaulas (clay stoves) that require less fuel than an open fire.  These projects help the communities use less firewood and also provide them with some income.  For more information about Kuti go to

Nothing is more adorable than a father and son outing.
Kuti differs from the National Parks and Game Reserves in the lack of large dangerous mammals.  There are no Lion, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, or Elephant.  This is actually a huge benefit.  We were free to hike around the park on our own without a guide or guard, getting as close to the animals as they would allow us.  We were able to see, but not get photographs of all, Giraffe, Zebra, Sable, Warthog, Impala, Nyala, Wildebeest, Baboon and Vervet Monkey.

This is his good side.

Along with all of these wonderful sights we spent 3 days in a beautiful cabin (equipped with hot showers!!) We started our days by waking up at 4 AM having some coffee and trying to see all the animals in the park.  Our days were then jam packed with activities such as cooking lunch and getting ready for our evening ‘safari’.   The highlights of the trip were being able to get within 10 m of the Giraffes and eating wonderful food for a few days.  

The best walks are the ones to the bar

Some extra photos can be found here:

Almost immediately after returning to our site after our vacation, we (along with 38 other volunteers) had an opportunity to assist Liwonde National Park with a Large Mammal Count.  Over the course of two days we counted hundreds of animals mostly waterbuck but we did also see warthog, elephant and wildebeest.  All PCVs split into pairs, accompanied by a pair of guards to spend one morning in a hide, and the other morning walking a transect of the park.  During our hide day, we had to move position to get out of the path of the elephants. Seeing elephants march in real life is just like this: While preforming our transect we got way to close to a group of elephants and startled a small herd of wildebeest.

We're going to need a bigger fence.
More photos here: