Question: How do you poop?
The same way you do! But perhaps you
were asking how is human waste disposed of.
Short Answer: In Malawi, the answer
depends on where you live. Indoor plumbing is very common within the
major cities so, just like in the USA, pull a lever and away it goes.
Out in the villages people dig pit latrines called a chimbuzi.
A chimbuzi with a fancy hand washing station. |
A slightly more complicated answer: A
chimbuzi is just like an outhouse. (Ask your grandparents.) A large
pit is dug, then boards are placed over the pit leaving a small hole
for the waste. Then a layer of mud or concrete is placed on top of
the boards to create a floor. Finally mud or bricks are used to
create the walls and a roof is placed on top. After many years, once
the pit has filled to the top, the pit is capped and a new pit is dug
else where. Often trees are planted near the pits so that the
nutrients in the waste can be utilized.
The we like to be different answer: While we have a chimbuzi, we don't use it. We wanted to be able to use the nutrients (fertilizer) in the waste so we collect ours in a bucket. Each time we use it we 'flush' with a handful of ash and a handful of leaves to control smell and absorb liquid. When the bucket gets full we take it out and add it to our compost pile. The waste is broken down by bacteria and worms into nutrients (fertilizer) that the plants can use and removes harmful bacteria that can get us sick. We then add it back into our garden for more food.
Composting Toilet with bucket inside. |
Next time on Kids Korner:
If you don't
have electricity, how do you cook?
Interesting! I can't wait to share this with my students! So is that your composting toilet? And did you all make it? Waste not want not! :D